480,960 MINUTES TO GO!

January is over. Anyone else feel like we blinked and it disappeared? 1/12th of the year is gone!  Is it time to panic?

No, let’s put it in perspective.

There aren’t just 11 months left to the year, there’s 480,960 minutes!

Shifting your perspective on time can be a powerful tool on a weight loss journey. So let’s talk about it. As human beings we tend to want quick results in all that we do and often spend time (no pun intended) getting frustrated and anxious over the speed or lack thereof of our progress. As you might expect, I have some thoughts on this besides just saying “Stop that!” as we know that kind of command never works out in the long run. Instead see stopping “that” as a goal that will take preparation and action.

Time Will Pass Anyway

When we consider time I think the most important thing to realize is that you can’t stop it. Time will pass whether we want it to or not. The difference is, do you want to be sitting in the same spot where you are health-wise right now in 6 months or would rather be 6 months into changing your habits and routines? I don’t ask that flippantly, seriously. Six months of working on new routines, habits and choices can be life changing. And it doesn’t need to mean you start ten new things in one day, use the time that is passing to perfect habits in a progression. Identify the big blocks that need moving first, usually food choices or activity, and then move to the next steps as time passes.

Are You Too Busy?

Another perspective on time that may need correction is that you are too busy to do anything about your health. You may indeed be very busy. You may have more going on in your life than anyone else can understand. This does not mean there may not be space in your schedule to put some focus on healthy habits. If that “too busy” feeling exists for you I want to suggest that you sit down and take an honest list at your schedule, on paper. Grab a notebook and start writing out your day on 24 lines (aka 24 hours a day.) Include everything! I mean sleep, meals, work, childcare, etc. All of it. Don’t get overwhelmed but look closely at where you might be able to clean up some of your time to make space for small changes. If your health is a priority start scheduling things like meal prep, workouts, journaling, and more as actual appointments. This exercise will not only help you see what you might be able to fit into your busy schedule but give a realistic perspective on what is possible and what is desired. Use it to help you set daily nonnegotiable actions and set goals for the future.

One Day At A Time

Did reading that last point generate anxiety? Sometimes trying to pull back and really take in the big picture of everything can feel overwhelming and challenging. This is normal! Sometimes the most powerful choice can be to give yourself the gift of one day at a time. You don’t have to focus on the whole month, year, or decade even at once. When things start to feel overwhelming or the prospect of a long journey lying ahead, focus on what you need to do for one day to feel like you’re taking a step forward. What do you need to do today to show that you care for yourself and your health? What are the specific actions and goals for the next 24 hours that matter most? What do you need to do this day that feels the most challenging? As much as I just encouraged you in the last point to consider your schedule in general to help with time, I also want you to remind yourself that when things feel really hard, you just have to do them for one day. Decide to follow your plan for one day and tell yourself that once the day ends you can decide about doing it again the next day. Is it a mental trick? Yes in some ways, but it’s also a powerful lesson for yourself. When you don’t think you can do something, proving that you can do it for a day is a beacon of hope.

480,960 Minutes

And here we are again, back to the place of perspective. It is not just 11 months left in 2023, it is hundreds of thousands of minutes. These minutes translate to hundreds of thousands of opportunities to make good choices. Opportunities to remind yourself that you matter and your goals are important. Also opportunities to make thousands of good choices that can be more important than a handful of poor ones. It is not just a cliche to say that the most important choice we make is always our next one. One hard and fast rule about time is that you cannot turn it backwards. We can only march forward as it progresses. Use this time to your advantage. It’s not just grains of sand slipping between your fingers, it is moments you can use to build the future you desire.

If time is a challenge for you and you need help navigating turning your goals into actionable moments why not see if one of the coaches on our team can help you right now? Click here to see our pages and reach out. We’d love to have a free talk about where you are, where you want to be, and how we may be able to help you get there.


FILL IN THE _______!
