It’s the day after Thanksgiving so there is a good chance that you have some leftovers in your house, keto friendly and not keto friendly. This can be a bigger challenge than you may have imagined. When our plans are operating it can almost feel like cruise control and the holidays can be an unexpected curve in the road. We can rely more on our routines and order than we realize and all of sudden being surrounded by food throws us off. Having a plan for the holiday itself is one thing but dealing with the literal leftovers can be another thing entirely!

Not only are old habits at play when it comes to leftover food but also pressure we put on ourselves to not waste food so please don’t feel like there is something wrong with you if your thoughts are wandering or you’re feeling extra hungry. These feelings are normal whether you have a fridge full of pies & potatoes or lots of extra turkey and mashed cauliflower. The easy and way too simple answer to this challenge is just follow your normal plan and ignore the leftovers, but I like to operate in the real world. You may need to take some action, so here are some options:

Gift Them

Find someone who can put the food to good use, a friend or family member. I actually find that often people don’t want to ask to take leftovers home but would really love them. Obviously this is easier if your have planned ahead and have containers ready at meal time, but there’s no shame in reaching out the day after. Your gift could help someone else by saving them some time or resources. Don’t be afraid to ask!

Store Them

Most foods we cook for a holiday can freeze great! Portion them in freezer safe bags and containers, or even better use a vacuum sealer, and pop them in the freezer. Label them well and you can use them when you find it convenient. I like to label my leftovers with macros and measurements to make their future use even easier. A sharpie can come in handy!

Use Them

Yes, if you are living a ketogenic lifestyle there may be some leftovers you would not use regularly, so freezing them makes sense. Planning to use your keto friendly leftovers as you get back to your daily routine can almost feel like bonus meal prep! The key is to plan how you will use them and not just start pulling out random bowls at meal time.

Toss Them

This might be the simplest and most challenging of all options. If you are struggling to manage the leftover food in your house and are feeling overwhelmed don’t waste time, throw them away. Your physical and emotional health are more important than “wasting” food. Clearing out your fridge after a holiday does not mean that someone else goes without food, and you don’t owe the people who may have the food the act of consumption. Be honest with yourself and recognize the boundaries that you need to set.

So yes, the core message I am trying to get across is mostly contained in that last option. Handle your leftover food in the way that will be safest for you and support your goals. Even if you do end up tossing them, use it as a learning opportunity for the next time you will be celebrating. This time of year there will certainly be another right around the corner!


