January is not just a time of New Year’s resolutions and goal setting. You can check this blog here for advice on making your resolutions actionable. We want to talk about another facet of January, it is World Carnivore Month!

Are you interested in joining in with this month or want to just generally see if a carnivore style of eating could be a great tool for you? We’re going to dive into some frequently asked questions about following a carnivore diet in the hopes of helping you answer that question! And remember, before you make any changes to your way of eating or begin a diet we encourage you to discuss it with your doctor or medical provider. Now let’s get in to it!

Should I join in on World Carnivore Month?

This question is more complex than it seems. Simply put, my response is, “If you think it will be a useful and helpful tool for you, and you feel properly focused and prepared for it, yes. If you’re just plan-jumping to speed up weight loss, no.” So yes, I think the first consideration you need to make is your purpose for taking part. If you know that your motives are focused on assisting you with your overall health goals whatever form that takes, then proceed. If you are more so feeling lost in your efforts or hoping for a “magic pill” effect, I’d encourage you to work more on finding the right direction for you personally and not just jump into something blindly.

An elimination diet, like Carnivore, can be a great way to determine personal sensitivities to different foods, especially when you are someone that enjoys meats of different kinds. That said though, most folk will not eat different proteins for every meal throughout the month, so if an eating plan that leans towards some repetitive meals is appealing, that’s great. If you struggle with variety when eating and just aren’t into meals that will often solely be meat alone, this may not be the plan for you.

What can I eat on a Carnivore Diet?

A carnivore diet focuses primarily on animal based proteins and fats as your primary nutrition sources. So this means all types and cuts of meats, eggs, rendered animal fats and even dairy products. There are variations on the diet that include different options. The “Lion Diet” is entirely red meat and salt. A straightforward standard carnivore diet would be meats, eggs, animal fats and high fat dairy like cheeses and heavy cream. Other folk approach it as an animal based diet with some fruit allowed. Is that strictly carnivore? I am going to say no, it’s not but I am certain someone will be ready to debate that! If this is your first go around with Carnivore the standard approach may be a great base starting place.

How much should I be eating?

Your first week going from a higher carb way of eating to a carnivore diet it can be good to focus on eating until you feel satisfied and having protein & fat sources readily available if you experience cravings or increased hunger. If weight loss is your goal, moving forward from there you may want to track your intake to not only ensure you are getting enough protein (approximately 1g per pound of lean body mass a day) and are eating in a caloric deficit. Some people will advocate completely following an intuitive approach to eating on Carnivore but it is possible to eat too much if your body’s hunger mechanisms are not appropriately responsive. If you are eatining Carnivore intuitively and seeing the desired results, you can certainly proceed. But if not, do not be afraid of or feel shame in tracking your intake!

Should I only be eating grass fed or pasture raised meats?

Progress over perfection! You should eat meat of the quality that you can sustainably afford. Animal welfare and feed quality are of course concerns but do not supersede your budget in the end. Make the choices you feel best about and do not let anyone dictate otherwise. From a nutritional perspective there are said to be some differences between the two, usually referencing their fatty acid profiles and composition. If this is a concern, you can select economical less fatty cuts of beef like sirloin, top round, etc. and still save money. Check this article out for some of the differences in grass fed versus grain fed meat.

Can I use spices and hot sauces?

If you want to see if strict Carnivore improves the way you feel, you can go with just salt. If you want to be a bit more lenient, which is your choice, you can allow spices and hot sauces without added sugars or starches. Notice I am not engaging in a debate about anti-nutrients like you may see online if you ask this question. My advice is about helping you adapt sustainable changes that will assist in your health goals. You can choose to begin with just salt and add in other spices after a week or two (or longer) to see if you notice a personal difference.

What do I drink on this plan?

This is another “choose your own adventure” path! Strict Carnivore your beverage choices would be water and bone broth. If you do not want to be as strict, you can also include coffee (black or no sweeteners/non-Carnivore creamers, use heavy cream.) Whatever you choose, drink enough water! If you are eating carbs now and will be going full carnivore you will probably need more water than you think! Also, if you are a regular and pretty heavy coffee drinker, you might want to consider tapering down your usage instead of going full cold turkey if you want to stop its use. Caffeine withdrawal is a real thing!

What supplements do I need on Carnivore?

If you eat a variety of protein sources you are going to get a pretty full vitamin and nutrient profile when you are eating Carnivore but one big component that requires some supplementation is electrolytes! Electrolytes include sodium, potassium and magnesium. Liberally salting your food and using an electrolyte blend, like Redmond Re-Lyte (they have an unflavored mix that is perfect for WCM!) can get you covered in general. Symptoms of not getting enough electrolytes include headaches and cramping.

What are the most important tips for someone’s first time trying Carnivore?

First and foremost, listen to your body! If you start Carnivore and do not feel well even when getting enough water, electrolytes and food, you should not just blindly proceed. Second, know yourself, if you relate well to regimen, find bigger cuts of meat you can meal prep and keep on repeat. If you need variety, include it! Carnivore is not just beef, include other animals like pork, game meats, fish, shellfish and more. Lastly know you’re not alone, there will be a lot of folk going Carnivore in January so look for connections, support and even ideas on social media with hashtag searches like #carnivore and #worldcarnivoremonth.

Is Carnivore better than a Keto plan for weight loss?

Any way of eating that helps you achieve a caloric deficit in a way that feels sustainable or livable is the best for YOU. AKA only you and your body can answer this question!

What should I do after World Carnivore Month?

I put this one last because I think it is the most common INFREQUENTLY asked question about Carnivore but it should be near the top of your list. Are you going into January with a set end date in mind or are you open to seeing if you can thrive on Carnivore and will continue? This is important! Many folk approach elimination diets like Carnivore with no plan for how to reintroduce other food items when they want to change things up. Have a plan in place and gradually reintroduce food items so you can determine if they have a true impact, good or bad! If you determine Carnivore isn’t the right fit for you but appreciate many of the benefits you have discovered transitioning to a well formulated ketogenic diet can be a great next step. This can seem like a daunting task to figure out your plan and it is one we can definitely help with right now. Click here to get info on our coaching programs.

I hope that this is helpful if you are considering joining in with the many folk celebrating World Carnivore Month in January. More so, I hope the biggest takeaway is that this can be an opportunity to continue working on finding the best path forward to your health goals! One bonus tip, if you are truly interested in doing some more research on this way of eating I highly recommend checking out Judy Cho’s book Carnivore Cure. Click here to see it now!


